Montag, 11. Juni 2012

GM18 photos

photo: Denys Karlinskyy

photo: Denys Karlinskyy

femen back stage getting ready for a workshop/demo. they have been location scouting all day & preparing a protest the following day.      
photo:Pitt Sauerwein

photo:Pitt Sauerwein
Marco Baravalle from S.a.L.E.-Docks talks about the first solo exhibition which his group has put on at their artist/activist fun space in Venice. Soon we'll be completely fearless is the great title of the exhibition. Italy is experiencing a cultural upheaval through activism. Artists and organizers are taking over spaces in Rome, Milan... Marco is working on setting up a tight network and I am sure this will be spreading outside of Italian boarders.

The Kampnagel audience show admiration for Femen. The economical straights that a large part of the population are victims of in the Ukrain,  basically forces many femanles into prostitution for lack of other job choices. Many are trying to survive from €150 or €200 a month. The government is actively promoting prostitution as a driving economical force in the Ukraine.

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